5 Ways To Keep Cholesterol Down on Carnivore Diet

Today we’ll be talking about How to Keep Cholesterol Down on Carnivore Diet. Carnivore diet has many health benefits as its solely based on meat, fish, eggs and dairy.

We all know that it leads to weight loss, improved mental clarity and better digestion however after eating a lot of animal fats and proteins it can lead to high cholesterol.

Lets talk about how you can enjoy the carnivore diet while keeping your cholesterol levels in check!

Cholesterol Types

Cholesterol is essential for your body and it helps build cell membranes, produce hormones and helps in brain functioning  🧠

Your liver produce it naturally when you eat cholesterol rich foods you body adjusts it by producing it less than usual.

  • HDL (High-Density Lipoprotein): The good cholesterol that helps remove excess cholesterol from your bloodstream. 🏆
  • LDL (Low-Density Lipoprotein): The bad cholesterol that can build up in your arteries if levels are too high. 🚨

5 Ways to Keep Cholesterol Down on Carnivore Diet

Lets talk about a 5 ways strategic approach to keep your cholesterol down on carnivore diet.

1) Choose Leaner Cuts of Meat 🥩

Yes majority of us like steaks and pork belly, I get it these meals are delicious but they can lead to high cholesterol LDL levels if eaten in excess. Excess of everything is bad. To keep your cholesterol in check, try using leaner cuts of meat in your diet like:

  • Chicken breast 🍗
  • Turkey 🦃
  • Lean beef cuts like sirloin or tenderloin 🥩

2) Exercise

One of the best thing you can do if you’re dealing it with high cholesterol levels as my father who is 45 years of age usually deals it, to get it in order he exercises regularly. As exercise helps in raising HDL (that’s good cholesterol) and it lowers LDL.

When it comes to exercise, I suggest that you do Cardio thats very very helpful. If you like you can do some strength training exercises too.

3) Fatty Fish

Fatty fish like salmon, mackerel and anchovies are best meals on the carnivore diet. These are very very rich in omega3 fatty acids and are known for lower triglycerides, increase HDL and reduce iflammation.

4) Organ Meats

Nutrient rich organ meats like liver, heart and kidney are full of vitamins and minerals that keep the overall health in good shape and manage the cholesteral levels.

  • Liver is rich in vitamin B12, which helps metabolize fats and proteins. 🍖
  • Heart contains CoQ10, an antioxidant that supports heart health. ❤️

5) Eggs

Eggs are a staple on the carnivore diet, but they are many controversial when it comes to cholesterol. Let me tell you my understandings based on my research!

Eggs are incredibly nutritious and don’t negatively impact cholesterol for most of people. In fact, they can raise HDL (the good cholesterol) while improving the overall cholesterol profile.

Stay Hydrated

Staying hydrated supports your liver and your liver plays a very imp role in cholesterol metabolism and thats the reason keeping it healthy is essential.

Consider Fasting ⏰

Intermittent fasting is a popular practice especially when you’re on the carnivore diet. By eating within a specific time like 8 hours you give your body more time to metabolize fats and cholesterol.

Final words!

The carnivore diet doesnt have to be a cholesterol nightmare.

By choosing leaner cuts of meat, incorporating fatty fish, staying active, exercises regularly and supporting your liver, you can enjoy the benefits of this diet while keeping your cholesterol levels in check.

Remember, it’s all about balance and listening to your body❤️

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